Monday, 27 February 2017

Before the beginning

I've been forced often enough to test
my thinking mind.
Even after trying hard, I can't say I understand
I've been made to feel my feeling mind in cruel ways,
and encouraged also, in kindness.
I learnt about the bridge between body and mind
in that kindness, and I still have the key.

I have a confession:
my body believes
yet knows that
before its conception
the heavenscape we call God
was, and still is home.

When death baffled me completely,
I asked Christ for truth,
and learnt that Logos has little to do
with language, and that most of us
miss meaning almost entirely.

What moves us is something we can't

Before the beginning,
I Am.

The scales of biological basics inform me
each morning that my percentages of
bone, tissue, water and density
declare what I seem to be alone in
saying to the other side of skin:

we sense beginnings, and endings, they're

But even more telling is the truth of what goes on
before the beginnings and after the endings.

We don't really have to wonder, because we've been to
these stations, and the fear of them
isn't necessary.

Tomorrow morning, before we make coffee,
'and after the final mouthful,
let's go the whole way,
weep for humanity,
and try again.

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